My name is Theryn and I bringing technology and people together.


As a self-taught engineer who first learned to code by obsessively reading Stack Overflow and jQuery documentation back in 2012, I strongly believe in the open and accessible nature of programming culture. My core professional interest lies in helping people, engineers or otherwise, better understand and work with technology. I have taught Javascript one-on-one, in small groups, and mentored in workshop settings, for seasoned developers, product owners, startup founders, and programming newcomers. I prefer to work with vanilla JS whenever possible and occasionally do silly things like read ECMA standards documentation.


The sort of programming I do in my spare time includes things like writing Discord bots to help me learn Japanese and send custom Google Calendar notifications. I enjoy writing service layers and Javascript utilities. However my passion in technology lies not in any particular framework or Web API but rather the places where software and humanity intersect. I am always seeking ways to share my field with minority communities, foster morale and ambition in engineering colleagues, and explore how web technologies can make the world a more equitable place.

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